Tuna & High Seas Fisheries

Chen Hung Seafood Frozen Produce Co. Ltd. Pacific Ocean Longline Tuna FIP



This project was initially developed by Key Traceability and is now managed and implemented by Ocean Outcomes.

The Cheng Hung Seafood Pacific Ocean Longline Tuna FIP aims to ensure sustainable fish stocks for tuna and other primary species across the Pacific Ocean, minimize environmental impacts via promoting ecosystem based management, and provide effective management through strengthening governance systems. The ultimate goal of the FIP is to achieve certification under the Marine Stewardship Council Fisheries Standard by 2027. The FIP target species are yellowfin, skipjack, bigeye, and albacore, caught by longline vessels flagged to Taiwan and Vanuatu fishing on the high seas in the Pacific Ocean. FIP vessels occasionally also fish within the national Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. While the Pacific stock status of these species are currently not considered overfished, they lack robust precautionary harvest strategies and the tools to limit the risk of overfishing. The fishery is managed regionally by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean and by the Inter American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO).

This FIP is part of a larger effort O2 is pursuing across Northeast Asia to help lead improvement projects and certification in the longline tuna fishing sector.

What We're Doing:

  • Managing FIP development, implementation of environmental and social workplans, and reporting and tracking.
  • Providing support and technical expertise/advice on the development of improved fleet data collection, and collective analysis with industry, especially via Electronic Monitoring.
  • Acting as FIP secretariat and NGO expert, including providing advice/support, as useful, to Chen Hung Seafood Frozen Produce Co., Ltd. in the conduct of their responsibilities with regard to wider sustainability issues and tracking project progress transparently on FisheryProgress.org.
  • Organizing in-person FIP workshops to ensure FIP stakeholders are making progress on FIP workplan priorities.
  • Assessing social risks in the fishery against globally recognized best practices and integrating opportunities to address human and labor rights into fishery improvement processes.

Project News and Additional Resources

Fishery Improvement Project Information:

FIP Status: Comprehensive FIP (tracked fully on FisheryProgress.org)
Project Launch: August 2022
Location: Pacific Ocean
Participants: Ocean Outcomes, Cheng Hung Seafood Frozen Produce Co., Ltd Helen Hua
Species: Albacore (Thunnus alalunga), Bigeye (T. obesus), Yellowfin (T. albacares), Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis).
Gear Type: Pelagic Longline
Volume: ~1,500 metric tons
Documents: Pre-assessment / Workplan

This FIP is tracked publically in its entirety on FisheryProgress.org, see the Pacific Ocean tuna - longline (Cheng Hung Seafood Frozen Produce Co., Ltd.) profile here.