What We Do

Partnerships & Collaborations

Our technical team of creative problem solvers spans the globe, and our growing network of partners in all the regions where we work ensures our co-developed solutions stick. We both work closely with local partners on the ground and participate actively in leading alliances and initiatives to help develop and demonstrate game-changing solutions representing sustainable seafood’s best, biggest ideas.

Local Implementing Partners

Qingdao Marine Conservation Society

Qingdao Marine Conservation Society (QMCS), a Chinese nonprofit, was founded by former Ocean Outcomes China Program Director Songlin Wang in 2017. QMCS is dedicated to promoting coastal and marine ecosystem conservation and advancing the sustainable seafood movement in China through scientific research, public and industry education, and the international exchange of information and knowledge. In addition to partnering with O2 in implementing a number of FIPs, QMCS conducts seafood sustainability ratings in collaboration with Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch and is developing a China Seafood Sustainability Assessment and Education Program, which takes full consideration of China's uniquely rich seafood heritages and nascent sustainable seafood movement status. QMCS staff and members including marine ecologists, seafood experts, aquarium managers, educators, journalists, as well as sea and fish loving Chinese citizens. www.qmcs.org.cn/

Seafood Legacy

Seafood Legacy is a Tokyo-based social venture established in 2015 specializing in sustainable seafood and fisheries. Seafood Legacy provides sustainable seafood consulting services to marine-related businesses, producers and NGOs to strengthen the connections of marine ecosystems, economies and local communities. Seafood Legacy designs regional solutions which meet international standards and are tailored to the unique Japanese environment via a non-competitive platform designed to solve mutual issues facing various stakeholders. www.seafoodlegacy.com


SmartFish Rescate de Valor, AC is a non-profit organization founded in 2013 with the mission of fostering a market for environmentally sustainable and socially responsible seafood in Mexico. To catalyze supply of environmentally sustainable and socially responsible seafood, SmartFish incubates artisanal fisher cooperatives to optimize their fishing, handling, processing and commercial capacities, thereby rescuing the value of their landings. To generate demand for sustainable seafood, SmartFish recently launched a buyer engagement project to assist large buyers, namely retail companies, to analyze their supply chains and develop and implement sustainable sourcing policies. SmartFish’s buyer engagement model is based on the experience of the members of the Conservation Alliance for Seafood solutions. www.smartfish.mx/

Tao Ran

Qingdao Tao Ran Environmental Science and Technology Co. Ltd (Tao Ran) was established by former Ocean Outcomes China Program Director Songlin Wang in 2016. Tao Ran provides professional strategic planning and management services to organizations dedicated to the conservation and management of aquatic environmental resources. The firm works in partnership with fisheries, the aquaculture industry and nonprofits to move the Chinese seafood industry towards a sustainable future. In addition to fishery and aquaculture improvement partnerships with Ocean Outcomes, Tao Ran works closely with the Aquaculture Stewardship Council to grow the number of Chinese farms and species certified by ASC.

UMITO Partners

UMITO Partners is a Japanese seafood improvement organization established in 2021 by former Ocean Outcomes Japan Program Director Shunji Murakami. UMITO supports fisheries, aquaculture operations, chefs and others working in Japanese seafood to develop and implement sustainability projects. www.umitopartners.com

Membership and Alliances

Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions

Ocean Outcomes is a long-time contributing member of the Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions, formed in 2008 to build communication and coordination among conservation organizations working to promote sustainable seafood. In addition to participating in the Alliance, Ocean Outcomes team members have served on both the Advisory Council and Board of the Alliance. www.solutionsforseafood.org

Fish Forward

Ocean Outcomes is an official Supporter of Fish Forward, which was created by a partnership of provincial, federal and international organizations to secure a sustainable future for Manitoba’s fisheries and ensure that local, sustainable fish is promoted, sold and celebrated by local businesses. As a Supporter, O2 has worked on fisheries in the Manitoba region and shares Fish Forward’s belief that we all have a role to play in ensuring the sustainability of our fisheries. www.fishforward.ca/

Global Ghost Gear Initiative

The Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI) is the world’s largest cross-sectorial alliance committed to driving solutions to the problem of lost, abandoned and otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG, also known as “ghost gear”). As a member of the GGGI, Ocean Outcomes had led a myriad projects for GGGI, including facilitating stakeholder workshops, piloting ghost gear prevention processes in Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs), and developing analysis on the efficacy of regulations to prevent ALDFG, among others. www.ghostgear.org

Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative

The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) is a public-private partnership working together to turn seafood into a driver for good to preserve oceans for future generations and drive forward more sustainable seafood for everyone. As part of the GSSI Global Partnership, Ocean Outcomes joins more than a hundred stakeholders in a pre-competitive effort to tackle the seafood industry’s complex, global sustainability challenges. www.ourgssi.org

International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture

As an official supporter of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA2022), we are working together with other small scale fisheries stakeholders towards a world in which small-scale artisanal fishers, fish farmers and fish workers are fully recognized and empowered to continue their contributions for human well-being, food systems and poverty alleviation through the responsible and sustainable use of fisheries and aquaculture resources. https://www.fao.org/artisanal-fisheries-aquaculture-2022

NGO Tuna Forum

Ocean Outcomes is a contributing member of the NGO Tuna Forum. The Forum brings together NGOs and others that work comprehensively on global tuna sustainability issues that fall within one or more of the following core focus areas: RFMO Management and Advocacy, Market-based Mechanisms for Improving Sustainability, and, On the Water Research, Activities and Improvements. www.ngotunaforum.org

Sea Pact

Sea Pact is a group of leading North American Seafood Companies dedicated to driving stewardship and continuous improvement of social, economic, and environmental responsibility throughout the global seafood supply chain. Ocean Outcomes supports Sea Pact as one of three sustainability advisors. www.seapact.org

Small-Scale Fisheries Resource and Collaboration Hub

The Small-Scale Fisheries Resource and Collaboration Hub is an online, interactive, and multilingual platform for small-scale fishers, fish workers, and their communities and allies. It provides access to free tools and resources to strengthen small-scale fisheries governance and community development. The SSF Hub creates an opportunity to learn, share information, and enhance capacities for all small-scale fishery stakeholders. It aims to address small-scale fisheries governance and community development, to support the well-being of small-scale fishing communities and sustainable use of resources. Ocean Outcomes is part of the global coalition of partners working in and with small-scale fisheries which helped launch the SSF Hub. www.ssfhub.org