What We Do

Our Approach

We believe small, innovative organizations and local leaders in the sustainable seafood and fisheries improvement space can have outsized impact on systemic social fisheries and seafood challenges.


We focus on what we do best and where we can have — as we always have — an outsized impact on the sustainable seafood and fisheries sectors.

This includes both leading and supporting the sustainable seafood and fisheries improvement movements and our partners in: tuna and distant water fisheries; small-scale fisheries and triple impact approaches to improvement; China and the greater Northeast Asia region and; technical fisheries science and social and economic seafood services.

We believe small, innovative organizations and local leaders in the sustainable seafood and fisheries improvement space can have outsized impact on systemic social fisheries and seafood challenges. Our strategy for exponential impact and growth in the efficacy of initiatives pursuing shared sustainability goals is to connect these smaller, ‘on the water’ groups and regional thought leaders driving solution implementation locally (bottom up) with international markets, partner initiatives and the best, current science-based approaches to sustainable seafood and fisheries improvement (top down).

Ocean Outcomes works with all stakeholders to uncover, co-design and implement science-based, context relevant initiatives to drive sustainability across seafood supply chains.

Fisheries provide livelihoods for millions and food for billions. Yet these fisheries face significant threats due to unsustainable practices, like overfishing. This damages the oceans and imperils the communities on which we all depend.

We cultivate deep relationships with local fishery stakeholders, harvesters, seafood buyers, government agencies and non-governmental organizations to jointly uncover and implement local solutions to address systems level challenges in seafood production.

Ocean Outcomes approach From producers to suppliers, we help those working in seafood achieve their sustainable seafood goals through joint project development and implementation. © Ocean Outcomes

Our extensive network of partners on the ground collaborate with our team of creative problem solvers, identifying the right people and information to advance projects and initiatives across a variety of sustainable seafood and fisheries objectives. From commercial fisheries to fisheries science, government management, certification and standards, and across the globe, the O2 team has first-hand experience, accreditation and partnership in all areas of seafood production.

Our end goals: healthy oceans, sustainable seafood and thriving fishing communities.