Ocean Outcomes Selects Dick Jones as New Executive Director

September 17, 2015, Portland, OR -- Ocean Outcomes (O2), a global fishery improvement organization launched earlier this year, announced today that Dick Jones, Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Resiliensea Group, will join O2 as its new Executive Director beginning October 1, 2015.

“We’re thrilled to announce that Dick will lead O2,” says Brian Caouette, O2 Founder and Director of Programs. “As industry demand for sustainable sources of seafood continues to skyrocket, so does the demand for our fishery improvement work. Adding Dick to our team will help ensure we can meet that demand.”

O2’s founding Executive Director Rich Lincoln will join O2’s Advisory Committee Board where he will continue to play an instrumental role in O2’s fishery assessment, technical science, and business services ventures, the foundation of O2’s fishery improvement work.

“This transition comes at an exciting time for our new organization,” adds Lincoln. “O2 continues to build on our first year of successful work in Russia and Japan while rapidly expanding our science and technical consulting services in other geographies. Dick’s leadership in the sustainable seafood movement, both in the industry and nonprofit sectors, will help us continue to grow and connect the fisheries we work with to buyers interested in sustainable seafood.”

Jones is no stranger to O2’s mission. He has worked closely with O2 on many projects, helping develop O2’s business model and contributing to O2’s organizational development in its initial planning phases. Behind the scenes he helped launch O2, and his involvement becomes more public with this transition.

“Ocean Outcomes has been Dick’s largest client throughout the past few years, and we’re excited that he has the opportunity to work with them on a full-time basis going forward.” Phil Gibson, Resiliensea Group’s CEO, said.

Both O2 and Resiliensea will continue to operate and grow independently as separate organizations as Jones joins O2 full time next month.

Jones started his career in the seafood industry in 1986, working for his family-owned business in Boston, Massachusetts. He has since led the Major Buyer Engagement team at Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) and worked in seafood leadership roles at Whole Foods Market and HEB Grocery.

“My family business, which I ran as a third-generation fishmonger, was forced to close due to the collapse of groundfish fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic in the 1990s. I don’t want that to happen to others in the industry, and that’s why fishery improvement is so important to me,” explains Jones. “Moreover, if we expect to feed the planet and support local economies, it’s critical we source seafood responsibly. Leading Ocean Outcomes will allow me to advance sustainable fisheries and support the seafood industry I love.”

For a PDF version of the story, click here.

Media Contact:

Perry Broderick